Check out The Penny Hoarders Work From Home Job Portal to find jobs like Customer Service Associate, Part-Time English Teacher, Transcriptionist, and many others. There are job opportunities for part-time workers in data entry, shipping, and ridesharing that let you work on your own schedule and start earning fast. For instance, a person with a degree in social work may find an entry-level job on part time, allowing them to earn a masters degree simultaneously, needed to get more profitable jobs in mental health.
While this might seem counterintuitive, working part-time sometimes allows an individual to make more money — particularly if they are able to balance more than one job. Finding seasonal work is a good way to earn some money in the time of the year where you have a lot more time on your hands. This is particularly true if you are already employed full-time and looking for a side gig.
If you live in a rural area, or if you are already working extremely long hours, getting a side gig at a traditional job may not be practical. When you did, it was long enough ago that nobody really would have bothered with you working two jobs. If working two jobs in a day is too much for you, try one that you can work at on weekends, like the one that Jimmy does.
Working 100 hours per week is excessive, but doing two jobs at 60-70 hours per week is not going to kill you. As a DJ at parties and other events, you are usually working weekends, which makes it good job to do if you have full-time jobs on the weekdays. Working as a transcriptionist is a flexible job, so you can either do this on your own time or as a full-time job.
Since transcriptionists generally do not work a set schedule, this can be an excellent flexible side gig option for you if you have a little extra free time on your hands. At the same time, working may be a tremendously enjoyable job, and once you take into account tips, servers earn on average $17/hour. Many of my friends are working the jobs they do, as a way to get a free lesson, but also make decent hourly wages.
Many not-all side jobs pay just the minimum wage, or require working hours that are impossible to squeeze into the rest of your life. A lot of those jobs claim that they are only fee-based in order to get you started, and they never pay you.
In other words, if these side hustles are not part of your long-term plans, it is okay; they will help to build up your bank account and skillset so that you can get higher-paying jobs, such as freelance writing or accounting.
If you have no formal background in the career you are targeting, then you may want to pursue lower paying side gigs, which will teach you the skills necessary to get gainful employment in the field later. You could also try looking for service jobs in restaurants that you especially like, or stores you buy from.
Before signing on to do a part-time job or diving headfirst into a gig as an independent contractor, you should consider what kind of side gig would work best for you. Working at home jobs are an excellent option if quitting your day job and jumping right into another gig does not seem attractive.
Perhaps search for jobs that let you work from home, or apply to jobs in stores close to home to make it easier to commute. The trend in hiring is towards contract and part-time employment, so you will find a lot of opportunities to find a flexible job. Working online is flexible by nature, but you may also find some of the best part-time jobs offline.
The best part of freelancing jobs is that your hours are usually flexible: You can pick up the job when you want to do it, and you want to earn it. Micro jobs are shorter, one-off gigs where you work on something a bit for a brief period of time, and, boom, you get paid.
Having a second job is a lifesaver for many, particularly for younger professionals who cannot get a full-time gig, or are underemployed. For anyone tired of working under the yoke of cutbacks and promises of promotions, a double-job flurry is for you. For those using a two-job hustle as fundraising for their businesses, then all power to you.
Less Money Than It is Worth: If you are hiring babysitters to allow you to take on the second job, then this may not be worth it. This subject about working two full-time, remote jobs interests me, as I am sure it interests others, too, arguing that people doing the two jobs need to worry. Problems with Your Primary Job: Working two jobs could get you into trouble with your main employer — particularly if the employer believes that you are conflicting interests (more on that below).
Some people do work two jobs by choice, such as a full-time web developer who also moonlights as a code instructor in order to help out the community. Freelance music teachers, dance instructors, and yoga teachers are good options for jobs, too, if you are looking to earn while taking time away from your work. For those who do not have the necessary academic credentials for the career they are looking for, part-time positions can be a springboard, offering flexibility in getting the necessary certifications in order to land roles in the career they are looking for.
The benefits of working in these positions are you get to work whenever you like, there is no need for uniforms, and you are on your own, among other benefits. While tipping positions pay lower minimum wages, most pizza restaurants pay the usual minimum wage for their drivers, so tips can boost your overall earnings up to $15 an hour or more if you are working the busiest shifts. Even if you are not there for the benefits, tips can be nice, and this position typically offers extremely flexible hours.